Annie Gustely
Fine Art
Artist Statement
My work can be found:
SVFAL exhibits 2018-2023
Art Website: anniegustely.com
Etsy: Anniegustely
Art Portfolio Site: agustelyartportfolio.com
Instagram : Annie Gustely
Facebook: Annie Gustely Art
Spiritual Direction/Creative Companion: traveling companions.net
My artwork is inspired by light, reflections, rogue hues, and deep shadows. If a pear I am painting develops a quirky attitude or you can practically hear the earnestness of the Carolina Wren’s song, the painting is a success. I seek to paint the story of everyday life with all the color and magic we sometimes fail to see.
I work with oils, acrylics, pastels, and watercolors and attend a variety of art workshops to hone my skills. Most recently I began studying under the mentorship of Valerie Collymore of the Collymore Studio in Seattle, Washington.
I am an active exhibiting member of Swannanoa Valley Fine Art League and a member of American Women Artists. Holding certification in Spiritual Direction as well as Creative Grief Support, I recently began developing a series of online intuitive painting workshops and creative companion mentoring.
Originally from NE Ohio, I made my home in the Asheville area in 2007. Retiring from the Asheville City Schools as a School Counselor in 2017, I can now be found in my home art studio in Black Mountain. Living in beautiful Western North Carolina means creative inspiration is found by just stepping out the door.